Monday, May 21, 2012

Understanding How Annual Reset Avoids Volatility

Annual reset is the ability to eliminate the market downside (volatility), in exchange for a portion of the market upside. Depending on what cap or spread (the maximum amount of interest you are able to receive) is set in your contract will depend on how much of an upside you can participate in.

The reason why you cannot lose a penny of your principle, or principle lost due to market volatility, is that your money is not participating in a security. Instead, your interest crediting method is linked to a general index of the market, such as the S & P 500. Since your money is not in the stock market you will not experience a loss of your principle due to market downturns. The strategy being, “If I can eliminate all the market downside to my portfolio, I won’t need to be concerned about maxing out my returns to offset future market losses”. Pretty much every financial professional out there will tell you that the key to achieving your financial/retirement goals is to eliminate the big drop offs in the market. On my radio show, “Safe Money Austin”, I often compared this concept to a batting average. If you only focus on hitting singles and doubles, instead of trying to hit a home run, you can increase your batting average in the long run.

Many investors I come across are shocked to find out that you can participate in a portion of the market upside while eliminating all of the market downside. I am often asked “How can you do that”, or they will say “That sounds too good to be true”. My response is always the same “You will only be recommended what the financial institution, or financial professional, is able to offer”. If you invest with an Investment Bank, or a Wall Street firm, they are probably leveraging assets to promote their financial services. When you leverage your assets, your liabilities will exceed your total assets, making it almost impossible to eliminate your market exposure. When your liabilities exceed your total assets, you cannot guarantee the products you offer.  In fact, this is one of the main reasons why Lehman Brothers collapsed in 2008. They were leveraging their assets by over a 30: 1 ratio. Which means that for every 30 million dollars of securities offered, Lehman Brothers was backing it with 1 million dollars. Because most Investment Banks leverage their assets they do not have the financial strength to back all of their financial products.  This is the reason why banks have to purchase FDIC insurance when they are offering guaranteed products like a CD or a checking account.

The financial institutions that we work with are prohibited from leveraging their assets. In fact, the state makes it mandatory that their total assets always exceed their total liabilities. Truth be known, all of the companies we work with have a minimum of a billion dollars above and beyond their total liabilities. Because these Institutions have assets that are able to back all of the financial products on a 1:1 basis, they can recommend products that are exempt from market volatility. In short, the reason why you may have never heard of annual reset is probably because the financial institution that you invest with is in the business of hedging against risk, not protecting against risk.

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