speaking, most presidential elections have resulted in market
downturns, especially when a lame duck congress is present. If you
don't believe that the market will feel the pain for a couple of
months prior to the election in November, I suggest you take a second
look. There are a couple of reasons why another recession lurks
around the corner. First off, outside of the upcoming election, we
are exceeding the 7 years historical average of market
downturn/recessions. More importantly, this is one of the only times
in history that the market has surged to its highest point (brought
on by an overly-successful stimulus) with middle-class income levels
at historic lows. Unfortunately, with the contrary logic that the
stimulus has shown over the last 8 years, these facts are being
written off as a pessimistic and shrugged off. For example, how many
times did the market surge in 2009 and 2010 on rumors that the
Federal Reserve was going to open the printing presses for another
round of quantitative easing? Any other time in US history news of
buying our way out of a recession would have sent panic throughout
Wall Street, putting the market in a deep red. Our rules are set in
opposition, something that we will have to contend with moving
question is, how hard will the market get hit? A better question,
how long will it take for the market to rebound? When the market
fell in September of 2008, the Dow Jones had just broken 14,000. It
took 6 years to get back to that point. After the market recovered,
and all the retirees exited the workforce in 2014, a mass hiring of
college graduates (60% of the entire labor force!) replaced the
seasoned workforce, driving middle-class salaries down to new lows.
If history repeats, what do you think will happen to your projected
retirement date? Will you be able to contribute more to your
retirement or less than what you have been contributing? The good
news is you can lock in your gains at one of the highest points,
thanks to the artificial growth of the stimulus! Moving forward,
instead of absorbing risk within securities, you can redirect your
strategy to mirror index earnings like the S & P 500 or the Dow
Jones, while protecting 100% of both principle and earnings. There
are dozens of different indexes available to choose from, with some
designed to capitalize during market downturns. In fact, if
properly structured, some of these indexing strategies can be
positioned to create non-taxable income sanctioned by the IRS (rules
and procedures must comply with the IRS guidelines).
do you think your portfolio would look like if you were able to
bypass all the volatility from the 2008 recession, and capture all
the upside? Some of these strategies, if implemented prior to the
recession, would have allowed your portfolio to double in just a few
years. I'd be willing to bet you'd be in a much better spot today if
you had put this change into effect back then! I believe this
opportunity is going to present itself again, starting in just a few
months. It's simple math. If you lock your gains in at the highest
point, while removing all downside market exposure, you'll likely
position yourself for an early retirement. Otherwise, you risk
waiting on the market (assuming it rebounds in a reasonable time) and
delaying your retirement for several more years. It's not only the
volatility that sets you back it’s also the detour. Truth be told,
this opportunity may not present itself for many more decades. It's
a statistical marvel that we happen to be approaching the same stage
that was set in 2008, only now we have the right financial tools to
the right change can give you the cushion you need in moving forward.
If the market takes a downturn and salary levels continue to drop,
limiting expendable income, you can contribute less without
disrupting your financial timeline. Using this plan with the right
process is the key to success. These types of strategies are
designed to protect your interests over several years, assuming the
right process is in place. The ultimate goal is to move forward and
free from funding disruptions. Without the risk of taking a step
backward, forward momentum takes over, protecting your timeline from
the unforeseen.
a decision is made for change, the right process has to be put into
place. Making the change to mirror index returns and capitalize on
long-term growth rarely works as a long-term strategy if the right
process is absent. Life often happens unpredictably and without the
right process to navigate you through critical financial events of
your life, the odds can be stacked against you. Critical financial
events can be as simple as retiring, purchasing a new home, or
preparing for a loved one's college education. They can also be
unpredictable, such as the death of a spouse, a serious illness, or a
career change. Failing to have a process to properly guide you
through these events can be as detrimental as exposing yourself to
volatility. Once again, the opportunity to make a positive change
exists today. However, if this change is not accompanied by a
refined process, you may be spinning your wheels. This is why it's
important to work with a professional who can implement the right
process for your situation. If one thing remains certain in our
future, it's unpredictability. It's how we approach this change that
will determine how our financial future unfolds.
or not, it’s Clinton vs. Trump or Sanders vs. Cruz (or any other
combination), it is no secret that change is amongst us. I can't
recall any time in the past where the extreme viewpoints of each
party have surfaced from frustration and distrust towards our
leaders. As we get closer to the election, the tension brought on
by the anxiety of change is likely to weigh the market down. How bad
it gets crushed remains to be seen. We are truly at a time of the
unknown and how we move forward will determine how our financial
future/legacy shapes itself. With the market being at an all-time
high within a struggling economy, this may be the best opportunity
within our lifetime to make the necessary changes with the right